We offer a range of deposit and loan account options. Expect the products and experience you deserve with the convenience, technology, and service you need.

Regular Checking

A basic checking account for most purposes.

  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard® Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statement/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: A monthly service charge of $5.00 will be imposed each statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $500.00 any day of the statement cycle. A monthly service charge of $7.50 will be imposed each statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $250.00 any day of the statement cycle. The fee will not be imposed if you maintain a daily balance of $500.00 or an average balance of $1,000.00 during the statement cycle.

Direct Deposit Checking

A basic checking account for customers with direct deposits from payroll, retirement, or government benefits.

  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statement/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: There will not be a Minimum Monthly Balance requirement with monthly direct deposits.

55+ Checking

Customers 55 and over with or without direct deposits can enjoy a no minimum balance checking account.

  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statement/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: There will not be a Minimum Monthly Balance requirement for consumer checking accounts if the account holder(s) are at least 55 years of age.

Student Checking

An account to get your student started on their financial future.

  • Must be at least 16 years old to apply
  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statements/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements are the same as our Regular Checking product, however, the Minimum Balance Requirements are waived on Student Checking accounts until age 23.

Super Now Checking

Earn interest on your money with monthly interest credited to your account.

  • $2,500.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Interest is compounded and credited monthly: (Interest rate changes may occur daily.)
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statements/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: A monthly service charge of $7.00 will be imposed each statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the statement cycle.

Obtaining Annual Percentage Yield: You must maintain a minimum balance of $500.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Money Market Checking

Earn a higher rate of interest on your money with monthly interest credited to your account.

  • $2,500.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Interest is compounded and credited monthly: (Interest rate changes may occur daily.)
  • No limit on the number of checks written per statement cycle
  • MasterCard Debit Cards
  • Digital Banking
  • Monthly e-Statements/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: A monthly service charge of $10.00 will be imposed each statement cycle if the balance in the account falls below $2,500.00 any day of the statement cycle.

Obtaining Annual Percentage Yield: You must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Statement Savings

Save for those rainy days or those big purchases.

  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Interest is compounded and credited quarterly
  • Quarterly e-Statements/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: A monthly service charge of $1.00 will be imposed each month if the balance in the account falls below $250.00 any day of the month.

Excess Withdrawals: An excess withdrawal fee of $1.00 will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of three during a statement cycle.

Obtaining Annual Percentage Yield: You must maintain a minimum balance of $100.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

Statement Savings Minor

Start saving today for your child’s future or allow older children to learn the value of savings.

  • $100.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Interest is compounded and credited quarterly
  • Quarterly e-Statements/e-Notices with Images Online

Minimum Balance Requirements: A monthly service charge of $1.00 will be imposed each month if the balance in the account falls below $250.00 any day of the month. The Minimum Balance Requirement will be waived until age 16.

Excess Withdrawals: An excess withdrawal fee of $1.00 will be charged for each withdrawal in excess of three during a statement cycle.

Obtaining Annual Percentage Yield: You must maintain a minimum balance of $100.00 in the account each day to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.

We offer various terms on both our Certificates of Deposit and Individual Retirement Accounts, giving you the ability to balance accessibility with earnings.

Certificates of Deposit
  • $1,000.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Various terms available from one (1) month to sixty (60) months.
  • Single Maturity or Automatic Renewal available.
  • Interest may be compounded, paid by check or deposited to your checking or savings account.
  • Interest is paid until maturity.
  • The annual percentage yield assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of interest will reduce earnings.
  • No deposits or partial withdrawals allowed; early withdrawal may result in a penalty.
Individual Retirement Account
  • $250.00 Minimum Deposit to Open
  • Various terms available from three (3) months to sixty (60) months.
  • Interest is compounded and credited at least semi-annually.
  • Depending on the type of IRA, contributions may be tax deductible and interest income may be tax deferred.
  • Early withdrawals may result in a penalty.
  • IRS penalties may apply if withdrawals are made before age 59½.

Your financial needs are important to us.  When it’s time to borrow, we have the solutions that our community has counted on for over a century. We provide the options and timely responses you need. Call (606) 287-8484 to speak with one of our Loan Officers today.

Consumer Loans
  • Personal
  • Automobile
  • Mobile Homes
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Home Repair
  • Vacations
  • ATV’s, Boats, RV’s
  • Furniture and Appliances
Mortgage Loans
  • Home Construction
  • Home Purchase
  • Home Remodeling
  • Farmland Purchase
  • Refinancing

Todays Date is March 13, 2025

Mobile Apps
IOS® App
Android® App

Helpful Links
Reorder Checks
Lost/Stolen Card
Security Tips
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